Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lesson 1

10th Grade, English

Title: Who am I, Who I’m going to Be.

This assignment was designed for the student to think about their present and their future. It gives the student the opportunity to think about their education, careers and life goals. This assignment will give students the chance to learn more about their classmates and themselves.

We usually think we know who we and other people are by looking at them. But do they now who they are and who’ll they’ll be. Do you know who you are and going to be? Could you make a presentation on yourself that excitingly explains it all?

Student will be given a three days to create a PowerPoint presentation on their current lives and their futures.

Monday student will be asked think about and write down what things about themselves do they want in presentation.

Tuesday student will be asked to research career choice by visiting various websites.

Wednesday student will be asked to begin creating their presentation beginning with title including name and period, number of slides, animations, and number of pictures.

Thursday students will be asked to wrap-up presentations by completing any unfinished work for presentation.

Friday student will present to class using Smart board.

Student will receive letter grades based on design (was it appealing)
Care (information on themselves)
Knowledge of career choice
Presentation skills (where they talking loud enough)
Staying on task

Students will be able to choose their favorite presentation and that person will receive a reward. The class will be able to get 15 minutes of free internet time.

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